DinoBits Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
These are the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for the DinoBits program run by Starry Hollow Games.
0 - DinoBits is a program run by Starry Hollow Games LTD for the purpose of researching gamers’ opinions, behaviours etc. in order to inform projects created by Starry Hollow Games. Starry Hollow Games LTD is a company based in the United Kingdom and complies by UK law. Any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these terms or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
1 - When joining DinoBits you become eligible for a series of benefits, however just because you have signed up it does not guarantee you will be receive every single one of those benefits, each time it is relevant. Your eligibility for each separate benefit may depend on a number of factors. The benefits and their eligibility conditions are listed below.
1.1 - As a member of DinoBits you are eligible for receiving beta test invites. This means we will send you a potentially unfinished and unpolished version of a game for you to play. We then hope you will submit some feedback to let us know what you thought about it. We send out the beta invites in waves, usually with priority access for DinoBits, though we also reserve the right to invite outside of the program as we please. Furthermore we might decide to only send a beta invite to those in DinoBits who play games on tablet devices (as an example), or we might send them based on any other dependencies as we see fit (we might only want people in a geographic region, of a certain age group or we might only want a small number of invites sent out). However, if you meet the criteria, you will most often be invited.
1.2 - Perhaps the most exciting benefit is the eligibility to have your name in the credits of our games. We might list this under “Special Thanks” or “Tester” or anything else that we may choose depending on how DinoBits was involved on that particular game. In order to add you to the credits you must have supplied us with a valid name or nickname and we reserve the right to deny names we deem inappropriate. You can also opt out of this if you want to take part in the program, but not be listed in the credits. Finally you will only be eligible for having your name in the credits if you have actually partaken in feedback, playtesting, surveys or other relevant help for that specific game. We do not guarantee that all games will feature DinoBits in the credits, either as a group, or individually by name. This will depend on the capacity to which the DinoBits were involved in the relevant game.
1.3 - Exclusive sneak peaks is usually sent out to all members of DinoBits. Any information shared in this way is covered by the non-disclosure agreement below, unless stated otherwise or if we have posted it in a public space.
1.4 - You can make your opinion heard by having more direct communication with our team, through surveys, playtests, forums and more. This does however not mean that you directly decide what we do. We are still in charge of how we design and develop our games, but we do take what you say seriously, and will always discuss and consider it internally.
1.5 - By joining DinoBits you may become eligible for special invites to join us in our offices for on-site playtests and other events. We reserve the right to hand out these invites to only select members as we see fit, be it based on where you live (we are more likely to invite those living in or near London) or based on demographics relating to the current project. We may also invite outside DinoBits, but we will always consider those who are members first.
1.6 - We will provide occasional in-game bonuses (usually once per game, but it may be more often and we may not have any for certain games) that can only be obtained by members of DinoBits. You may not gift these to others, they are for you and only you.
2 - Data will be collected in a number of ways such as online surveys, in person interviews, phone/video interviews, playtests and more. Any personal information you provide us with is covered by the The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) as ruled by UK law. Accordingly, you should read the relevant laws and guidance from the regulatory authorities for a full explanation of these rights. The types of information we collect will be anything which you provide us with through the DinoBits program (through surveys, playtests, forum use etc) such as, but not limited to; opinions, feedback, personal information, psychographic information, product use etc. Your data is stored securely on our database, with many security measures in place to ensure it’s safety and protection.
2.2 - Generally the information we collect will be that which you input yourself into our surveys, forums etc, however during playtests we may collect data such as operating system, device type, length of time spent in game, and other non-personal data relating directly to the platform which you are running our playtest through (as well as gameplay data such as input, choices etc.).
2.3 - In some cases we may handle “special categories of personal data” about you, which may be considered sensitive. This may include things such as race, ethnicity, religious views, sexual orientation etc, however in most instances you will be able to opt out of giving this information, or associating it with a nickname and not your full/legal name. By signing up to DinoBits and freely giving this information through answers on surveys, interviews etc, you are giving your consent that we may use this information to inform our research. Such consent may of course be withdrawn at any time. We will not handle any sensitive personal data that we are not permitted by you to handle, or that you have not provided us with. A limited amount of our personnel will have access to your sensitive personal data, and this will never be shared outside the company or with any third-party associates.
2.4 - We will not make public or share with anyone, any personal information that pertains to you directly (name, date of birth, location etc.) without your consent. All data is analyzed internally, and gathered for research findings. Findings we gather from surveys, playtests, interviews etc. that relate to our projects or anything we do we may share and use as we see fit. This means that if you say you enjoy RPGs, we may say some of our users enjoy RPGs, but not who those users are. We may also quote anything you say related to our research, though in order to protect your information you will not be named. We will never share or sell your personal information with any third-parties.
2.5 - We use your personal data to inform decisions on relevant projects developed by Starry Hollow Games. This may relate to a project’s development, design, marketing or other, and data used in relation to research for one specific project, may also inform other projects in development which you may not be aware of. You data will never be used in automated decision making.
2.6 - You may at any time request to see a copy of the information we have on file for you by emailing lets.chat@starryhollow.games with the subject “Use Information Request”. Subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law, and provided we can authenticate your identity, you will be given reasonable access to your personal information, and be entitled to challenge the accuracy and have it amended as appropriate. We will send you the information you have requested within 30 days of receiving your email (you must send from the email you have registered with the DinoBits program).
2.7 - You may at any time request to withdraw from the DinoBits program, and have all your data erased from our database. To do this please email lets.chat@starryhollow.games with the subject “Leaving DinoBits” and we will comply with fully removing you and your data from our program within 30 days.
3 - By signing up for DinoBits you agree that we may send you emails relating specifically to DinoBits and your involvement within DinoBits or any updates and news related to DinoBits. You can unsubscribe from this by letting us know you no longer wish to receive such information, however this may mean you will no longer have access to the DinoBits program as this requires communication from us.
3.1 - We may also ask for your consent to send you Starry Hollow Games related updates and newsletters as you sign up for DinoBits. If you have expressed you would like to receive these we will add you to our mailing list, however you can unsubscribe at any time simply by emailing lets.chat@starryhollow.games from the email address we have you registered with with the subject line “unsubscribe”. This will not remove you from the DinoBits program.
4 - We reserve the right to remove anyone from the DinoBits program if we so desire. We most likely will not do this unless you display a poor or negative attitude (though constructive criticism is always welcome and encouraged!), continually supply false information on surveys or harass others on social media (this is an immediately bannable offense). If you break any of the other terms and conditions, or the non-disclosure agreement, you will also be removed from the program.