Happy Holidays from Team DinoByte
We wanted to give you all a little update on how development is going, and also take the opportunity to wish you happy holidays from all of us at DinoByte Labs!

As you all know, we have been really trying to push ourselves to get Midli finished as quickly as possible. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the games industry and “crunch time” and this is something we have always wanted our studio to not be a part of. Now that the holidays are approaching, we think it’s even more important to let the members of our team get a much needed and deserved break after all the hard work they have been putting into making Midli something truly magical! We feel strongly about maintaining good mental health, and we would never want to force our team to keep working to the max, especially over the holidays. Christian and I (Louise), are the directors of DinoByte so to some extent if we push ourselves a little to hard sometimes, that’s a choice we can make, but we never ever want to be the type of studio that expects that from other members of the team! It’s super important to us that the talented people working for DinoByte knows that their health comes first.
So we have decided that the team deserves a much needed holiday break, which means we might be a bit further behind schedule, but also means everyone on the team will be able to come back after the new year refreshed and ready to make the game even better!
For those of you wondering where exactly we are at in development here is a little overview of what each member is working on:
Christian is ironing out some issues with the Unity Analytics plug-in, so we can get the data we need from the beta test, in order to know how to tweak the gaming experience to be as smooth as possible.
Louise has finished up all the UI assets (menus, buttons and such) and is now finishing up Heli’s orb animation and the glow effects on the spirit fragments (we are still on the fence about what color the dark fragments should be, so sound off in the comments if you have a good idea!)
James is working on the in game versions of each lost spirit and their animations, as well as making some beautiful environments for each world’s cutscene.
Robert is almost done doing the first iteration of each Midli track, and will be moving on to mixing and mastering after the holidays.
With all that said, we are really hoping that the beta will be ready for you in January! We want to wish all of you a lovely holiday season and a very Happy New Year! We can’t wait to share more with you in 2018, and get Midli to you as quickly as we possibly can! As always thank you so much for all of your support this year, the messages and comments we get from you really encourage us to keep pressing forward, it truly means the world to us!
- Team DinoByte