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Midli Has Received A UK Games Fund Award!

We have been dying to tell everyone our big news, but have had to keep it under wraps until everything was official, soooo…

We have been awarded funding by the UK Games Fund!!

For a long time we have talked about how progress on Midli has been slow as we are working “out of pocket” to finish development. Well, with help from the UKGF, we can now finally develop Midli full time, meaning we can finally deliver to you the game as we originally envisioned, without having to cut back on any details or features.

With that in mind, here is a little trailer we put together to announce our award, where you can get a feel for where Midli is at right now. You’ll also hear a preview of Midli’s main theme song, composed by the super talented Robert Mai.

We have made a lot of changes to the backend, re-hauled the entire lighting system, updated the UI to be more sleek and less intrusive and lots more. I think if you look at where Midli is at now compared to the prototype footage on our Kickstarter page, you can see we have come quite far! We’ve also made lots of progress on the other worlds, but will hold off on showing those off till they are more polished.

We are super excited and thrilled to finally be working on this project again full time, and we can’t wait for you all to get to play it when it comes out early next year! I know it’s been a long wait (and quite the learning experience for us), but we are firm believers that everything happens for a reason. We will try to keep you updated as much as possible on how things are going here, but if you ever want to see what we are up to for smaller updates, just check out our social media which can now be found here:

Unfortunately we are not on Tiktok as we are just to darn old hahaha. If you wouldn’t mind giving us a follow and liking the occasional Midli post it really helps us out leading up to the release of the game and insuring it’s success! 

You’ll hear from us soon, and thank you as always for sticking with us!

Christian & Louise

Starry Hollow Games (In case you missed the last update, we changed our name!)


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