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Meet Josephine , A Lost Spirit in Midli

We have a couple of little updates on the way, to let you know where we are at with the project! First however, we wanted to give you an intro to our final Forgotten Shadow; Josephine! We really love this character and it was especially interesting to write her, as she comes from such a different generation and background to us. A lot of research went into creating Josephine and we feel she has a unique perspective to her story, something we hope will get you invested in her as a character once you get to meet her in game.

Name: Josephine

Age: 72

Background: British/African-Caribbean

Occupation: Housewife and Mother


Josephine is very traditional, she’s a woman of faith and a social butterfly, with a powerful personality. As the matriarch of her family, she is always trying to steer her kids and grandkids down what she considers the right path, sometimes lacking a delicate touch, due to the frustration of seeing them make choices she considers wrong. Josephine’s life was shaped by the era she lived through, though lately she finds herself dwelling on the regrets of the paths she didn’t take, while feeling it’s too late to change things.

Myers-Briggs Type: ESFJ

MtG Color Pie: White, Green, Red

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

DnD Alignment: Lawful Good

Josephine’s story will be focused around time, with visuals and mechanics relating time and clockworks. We have been working closely with our composer Robert Mai to get the perfect sound for her theme, and we are super pleased with what he has come up with! We love the nostalgic feel the song gives us, which really fits the themes of Josephine’s character and story. Remember, if you still haven’t pre-ordered the soundtrack at the special prerelease price of £5, just send us a message and we can sort that out for you!

That is it for now! We hope you are all having a lovely weekend! We will be back next week with a more proper update on how development is going, so check back for that soon.


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