Midli Rewards Have Been Shipped!
It’s taken longer to get the rewards done and sent out due to a problem with our first batch of pins, which lead to them having to be remade. All the physical rewards will be sent together, but some of the digital rewards will not. The “Making of Midli” digital booklet and the OST rewards will be sent out shortly after the release of the game, hopefully together with the downloads for the game itself. Then there is the Beta, which we hope to have ready very soon, we’ll keep you all updated once that’s ready, and the “Thank You” video will go up as soon as possible once we’ve received all the survey responses.
As some of you might have seen on our social media (follow @dinobytelabs on twitter, instagram, FB and more!), we’ve been working hard to put together and pack the rewards this week! In fact the first, smaller batch has gone out already today, and we’ll be sending out the rest over the coming week.

We have been hard at work handwriting all your letters, making wax seals for the tarot cards, signing prints and more! It’s been a lot of work, as we’re putting it all together on our own, going over every single pack carefully to make sure we’re getting it right and that everything looks perfect. We’re so proud of how it all turned out, and we hope you love the rewards as much as we do!

Despite a bit of a delay, the good news is that according to Royal Mail everything should still arrive in time for Christmas, no matter how far it’s getting shipped.
As for the beta, we’re almost there. We’ve finally finished a huge milestone in regards to the back-end code, so now we’ve only got a few minor additions and some small kinks to iron out and then we’re good to go!
For those of you interested in the details of the development, our game now deals with progression tracking and data storage properly (binary save files, not using Playerprefs). The additions we have left for the beta mostly relates to animations and beta test data tracking, as well as some UI work and polish in relation to scene changes. Lou has redesigned the look of Heli's orb, so hopefully that will be done in time to include in the beta. We’re also doing some work on optimization so it runs smoothly without taking up huge amounts of space, as well as fixing a few minor issues with our Spindel (named by naming contest winner Orlaith!) Forgotten Shadow.
We’re super excited to have you all try out a snippet of the game and let us know what you think!
Next week we’ll also be starting to introduce you all to the characters you’ll meet in the game, starting with Nicolas Santiago!